
Konrad Brynda

+1 (628) 218-8070

Konrad Brynda is an architect with advanced knowledge of holistic design and integration of complex technologies in buildings. From a young age, he has been passionate about transportation systems, particularly mountain railways and cableways. With a lifelong interest in aviation, Konrad is also an instrument-rated private pilot, further highlighting his commitment to mastering intricate systems.

His diverse experiences have taken him across three European countries, and he spent several years of his life in the United States, specifically on the West Coast (Davis, California). During this time, he had a unique opportunity to witness the development of VTOL technology, with Dr. Moller's Skycar being built in the same city. Alongside Eero, Inc., he has brought to life architecture start-up Praefabrica, which disrupts today's design-build workflows by means of "adaptive predesign", a an approach involving flexible re-use of refined architectural designs.

Konrad's multifaceted background and enthusiasm for innovation continue to drive his pursuit of excellence in the fields of architecture, transportation, and aerospace.

Christian Ingabire

aeronautical engineer
 +1 (458) 836-7025

Christian Ingabire is an accomplished aeronautical engineer with a First Honors Degree in Aeronautical Engineering. His expertise spans aircraft design, manufacturing, analysis, and optimization, reflecting his dedication to advancing aviation and pushing the boundaries of flight. Beyond aeronautics, Christian excels in mechanical systems design and programming.

Prior to assuming his pivotal role at Eero, Christian served in key engineering and managerial capacities at Avion Aerospace Group, specialized in aviation and defense solutions, and played an integral role in aerospace technology development (drones and electric aircraft) at Liaoning General Aviation Development, where his leadership further substantiates his commitment to spearheading innovative aviation technology.

Christian is a proud member of the prestigious American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), underscoring his dedication to pursuing meaningful goals through collaborative endeavors. As a self-motivated and multi-talented engineer, Christian's passion for engineering and technology resonates through his work, making him a valuable contributor to innovative endeavors in aerospace and transportation.


We are looking for individuals with a background in the following areas of specialization:

  • aerospace engineering
  • linear induction motors

Interested in joining a dynamic, early-stage startup? Drop us a line at: